Mesaje de 1 martie în engleză. FELICITĂRI și URĂRI de primăvară
Mesaje de 1 MARTIE în limba engleză. MESAJE, FELICITĂRI și URĂRI de 1 MARTIE, Mărțișor 2023. Mesaje de primăvară în engleză
1 martie, prima zi de primavăvară este cel mai bun prilej de a le transmite, cu ocazia Mărțișorului, cele mai frumoase urări persoanelor dragi din familia ta, prietenelor sau colegelor.
Citește și: Mesaje de 1 martie, Mărțișor: FELICITĂRI și URĂRI care pot fi transmise prin SMS cu ocazia venirii primăverii
Pe lângă tradiţionalul mărţişor considerăm că un mesaj poate aduce primăvara în sufletele celor dragi.
Spring is not only a season, it is a feeling. A feeling of newness, of change, and of life. Happy Spring!
The wind brings in a new feeling when Spring arrives. Of calm and the return of life on the barren plains of Winter cold. Happy Spring!
Your kisses taste like Spring, and my thirst is quenched by the morning dew. Happy Spring!
There is nothing like lying on the grass and letting Spring come over you. Happy Spring!
Spring always makes me sing, of happiness and joy and every girl and boy, will smile anew and a lot of love for me and you. Happy Spring!
Citeșt și: Mesaje de primăvară. Trimite şi tu un MESAJ, o FELICITARE, un SMS de Mărţişor
Wishing that this Spring will leave you free of allergies!
Bloom into your life like the flowers of Spring!
Spring is a time of discovery, of being a baby seeing the world unfurl for the first time in magical wonder. Happy Spring!
We awake to see new things created when Spring arrives gently into our lives. Happy Spring!
The Earth is a child in the time of Spring. Happy Spring!
The only hope we have when faced with a bleak winter is a warm spring. Happy Spring!
Believe that Spring will come again and your hope and faith shall never falter. Happy Spring!
When you see the sun returning and tiny rabbit heads poke out of the ground, know that Spring is just around the corner.
When my roses poke from the earth and look to the sky, I know that Spring has just awakened and is passing by. Happy Spring!
Spring makes us sing! Happy Spring!
Citește și: MESAJE de 8 Martie Ziua Femeii în engleză. Ziua Mamei – Felicitări şi urări de 8 martie în limba engleză
Spring is when Nature opens her windows and airs out the cobwebs of winter.
We thank Spring for the warm weather and hearts. Happy Spring!
When I think of you, I think of Spring. You remind me of the joy of life and the belief in hope. Happy Spring!
Early mornings are the best time to enjoy Spring. Where the sun is just gentle enough to kiss you as it passes along making everything golden.
Spring always passes by too fast but I worry not, for it shall come again. Happy Spring!
Laugh into a room with flowers and bring in Joy like the coming of Spring.
Always live your life as if you’re in a constant Spring. Happy Spring!
Spring is a green dress, flowing and green, covering Mother Nature in her best outfit. Happy Spring!
Hello to Spring, my season. You always give me strength to go through each year knowing at the end of Winter, you shall come again. Happy Spring!
Spring is a season of contentedness, peace, and a renewed hope for the future. Happy Spring!
Citeşte şi: Mesaje de 8 Martie pentru femei • Texte cu URĂRI și FELICITĂRI de 8 MARTIE
Spring rains are the only rains that make you sing and be grateful. Happy Spring!
Spring is the season of the Child. Laughter is its sound, and flowers its scent. Happy Spring!
Spring is a woman opening her windows, letting in the fresh air into her home. Happy Spring!
I love seeing butterflies in Spring. It makes me smile knowing that because of these tiny creatures, flowers will bloom anew. Happy Spring!
Birds, bees, and love in the air. Oh, how I’ve missed the scents of Spring!
Vezi și mesaje de 1 martie în limba română!
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